
Father often shared the importance of "his children" getting a good education.  This is one of the last messages he sent me asking me to please not forget them once he knew he was not going to live.

For more information please contact Diane Kratochvil at or 806-282-2300.

 Father with some of the children and one of his brothers.



Raju is Father's nephew who is in his 6th year of Seminary.  Please keep him in your prayers as he continues his journey to ordination.





Father LurduMarianna Yekkerala
 School Scholarship Fund

I am reaching out to you so together we can prayerfully keep fathers children (nieces and nephews) in school in India.

Most of you know that Fr. Marianna, along with the help from some of you, paid tuition so that his children could go to school.  His prayer and  dream was to help get them a good education and to “raise them out of poverty”.  Some of the children are currently being sponsored but not all of them.  I will keep this Scholarship in God’s hands and as Father Marianna would say “sit back and Trust in the Lord”. 

During his illness he offered up his suffering in union with the Lord for the Church and the Priest in our Diocese.  He stood by his believe in Jesus promise of eternal life and was never afraid to die if they didn’t find a answer for his illness. (they never did) He would say “I will live until I die” and “nothing happens without the will of God.” Even after he was told he needed to return to
India he remained hopeful.

We all know how giving and loving father was. While he was here he helped his family go from a hut to a home.:)  When he knew he was not going to make it he asked me to please never forget his kids. 

God Bless you all please always know he was so grateful and appreciative to each of you who helped him and prayed for him and his family.  Continue to pray for them as all of you must know it is hard to bury a loved one.  And please keep me in your prayers too as I will be traveling to India on January 14, 2020 to meet and visit his beautiful family and his grave.  It will be a very emotional trip but I believe it will bring much healing to me and to the family.  We are working on putting a site
together in memory of Father.. It isn’t quite finished but please feel free to visit it at
Make checks payable to—Father Marianna Tuition Scholarship