Father Marianna and Father Bala a very, very long time friend
and brother in Christ.

Ware, Davis and Roden families from Whitedeer Texas at St. Marys Cathedral.

Thanksgiving Mass celebration.

Mom Carolyn with Father. He truly loved her.

Sister Mary Michael with Father.

Thanksgiving luncheon.

Sister Trinita, Bill and Father.

John Holman with Father.

Fr. Bill, Fr. Hrudia and Father Marianna.

Thanksgiving luncheon.

Carolyn Blanco with Father.

Father Ron and Father with Sisters in Prayer Town.

Thanksgiving luncheon.

Paul Detten with Father. Paul and family spent many hours caring
for Father at the hospital.

Thanksgiving luncheon.

Sister Trinita with Father.

Sr. Mary Michael, Father, Mother Maria Irina and Sister Trinita.

Father Ron, Nan (Mom) and Father

Father with Mary and Bill Kouba. Forth Worth family who
hosted us while seeing Dr.'s there.

Wanda and Jerome Styrsky from Forth Worth. Another
wonderful host family.

Father and Nan Weber (Mom). Father loved Nan very much.

Fr. Hrudia and Father Marianna. Father had a great true friend in Fr. Hrudia.

Dunn Clement with Father. Dunn spent many hours with Father while sick.

Joan Conrad with Father. A true friend and prayer warrior.

Father with Michael (Bishop's alter boy :)

Father with Gilbert Salinas.